With the continuously evolving technology, the web development frameworks have become much more sophisticated and organized, delivering superlative websites built as per the business requirements. PHP is one of these. The community is now putting more efforts to ensure the platform can be accessed easily by the developers as well as the business owners. One of the most widely used web technologies or a framework of PHP is Laravel.

Introduced back in the year 2011, Laravel has been the limelight for businesses and developers. It is an open-source PHP web development framework, which makes it easy to customize and modify as per the changes in the requirements of the businesses. Moreover, Laravel follows the MVC that is the Model-View-Controller architecture, which helps to keep the codes clean and uncluttered and enables easy teamwork at the same time. Also, this framework allows recycling of the codes and some of the existing elements and features of the other PHP frameworks. This ultimately results in well-structured and organized web apps.

Currently, Laravel web development has become the first choice of developers because of its architecture. It comes with a wide set of features and functionalities, which also integrates most of the features of other PHP frameworks like Yii, CodeIgniter, and some more programming languages such as Ruby on Rails.

Most of the businesses prefer to work with Laravel developers now and here are the reasons why.

High security:

The first and the main advantage of using Laravel as your web development framework is that it offers a hundred percent protection from threats and other security risks. This also signifies that your codes are always safe and secure and there is no chance of hacking. Security is a major concern for all businesses and this is what the PHP framework ensures.

Powerful authentication:

Building authentication is one of the most challenging tasks for web developers. And laravel makes it simple for these professionals to create web apps, which contribute the access of the resources only to the authorized users.

Improves the overall performance of a site:

If you want the best site in terms of its performance, then laravel is your pick. The framework offers countless tools to enable the developers to improve the performance of the projects. For example, tools such as Redis, Memcached, and a few more quite compelling and works exceptionally well when used or integrated. These tools make things manageable while enhancing the performance of sites or web apps.

Blade templating:

Blade templating is one of the key features of laravel. It enables the web developers to easily use the pre-defined templates of the framework to write some of the required codes. These laravel templates are quite robust, intuitive, dynamic, and user-friendly, which again makes it easy and quick for the developers to create robust web apps. And the best thing is that when you make a website with laravel, it is always light in weight and extremely high in performance.

The MVC architecture laravel follows:

The Model-View-Controller or precisely the MVC structure that laravel follows is one of the major reasons why it is loved by the developers. The MVC structure keeps the coding clean and well-maintained, which also ensures easy and cooperative teamwork. Each member of a team can work on a separate page and areas without disturbing the other pages. The MVC structure is also equipped with several in-built functionalities that can be used by the developers for easy and quick development of the websites or web apps. With this architecture, preparing documentation also gets simpler as compared to the other frameworks of PHP. The overall architecture simply enhances the site or app performance immensely.

Object-oriented libraries:

Laravel has many pre-installed object-oriented libraries that can be used for different purposes like there is a library for easy authentication, a library for resetting the passwords, another one for checking the active users, and more. These libraries are easy to implement and use, which gives another reason to go for laravel for web development.

Apart from the above-mentioned plus points of the framework, laravel offers unit-testing, has dedicated community support, and ensures future-ready web apps, giving businesses a competitive edge on the internet and SERPs.