PHP is the most popular server-side scripting language used for web development. PHP is powerful, scalable, flexible, open-source, easy to understand, has got large community support, supports most of the common databases, and is cost-effective. And the best thing about this programming language is the availability of PHP-based frameworks that makes web development effortless and working in a team easy, allowing developers to end up with customised and functional websites every time.

Now, you must be wondering what these PHP frameworks are. And here's the answer to your question.

PHP frameworks ensure to make web development more efficient. These frameworks promote rapid and smooth website development, thereby, saving more time and reducing the number of codes to be written every time. The basic idea behind the working of these frameworks is the MVC architecture or the Model View Controller concept. MVC is actually the architectural coding pattern that makes it easy for the developers to write the codes and work in a team simultaneously.

In MVC structure, the data logic is written in the Model, all front-end codes are written in the View folder, and the business logic and functions are all written in the Controller. MVC architecture actually breaks the website or web app development process, thereby, allowing the programmers to work on individual pages without affecting the work of the others in the team. This again makes PHP programming faster and less complicated with the use of these frameworks.

However, there are many PHP frameworks available that developers can choose as per the project requirements and the features to be implemented in the project. And some of the most popular PHP-based frameworks developers must use in 2021 are:

  • CakePHP
  • Laravel
  • Zend
  • Yii
  • CodeIgniter

And now, with the increase in the level of competition on the web and to make effective use of these frameworks, every business owner must make sure the developers are familiar with these frameworks before choosing to hire dedicated PHP developer for their projects and to ensure faster and flawless web development.

Want to know more about these PHP frameworks and the benefits of using these for web development? Here you go.

Advantages of using PHP frameworks.

The MVC architecture:

Model View Controller or in short the MVC architecture helps developers to organise the codes for easier code maintenance later on. By keeping the database-related logic apart from the front-end or display-related codes, developers can make it easy to maintain the codes and work on the same project even while working in a team.

Bundles classes:

These frameworks come with in-built classes and functions for most of the common logic like pagination, form handling, etc. And developers only need to include these function or class names wherever they want to include the same logic. Hence, these in-built classes or functions also make web development more efficient.

Faster web development:

With these frameworks, developers don't have to write the codes from scratch. Most of the logic or functions are already written, which makes web developers faster with these frameworks, thereby, saving more time and effort.

Better coding standards:

The use of these PHP frameworks helps to maintain the coding standards that includes the programming style, and practices and methods of writing codes in such a way so that even if someone new joins the team and has to work on the same page, he or she won't face any difficulty in understanding the codes.

Access databases more efficiently:

Frameworks give easy access to the databases without the need to write the SQL queries every time.

Enhanced security:

These PHP frameworks come with in-built security tools and features that enhance the security of the codes and the websites or web apps.

Easy debugging:

These PHP frameworks come with their own code debugging methodologies that help in easy debugging.

So, these were the pros of using the available PHP frameworks. Try out the frameworks when you are using PHP as your programming language for web development and enjoy a more effective and smooth development process.