In fact, TOR did not think like a pedophile network. It was built for certain military needs, but was eventually declassified and made publicly available, after which its active development began. It began to be used by a wide variety of people, ranging from journalists to secure communications with journalists and organizers seeking to remain secret during the investigation and ending with law enforcement agencies, who would visit their sites Did not want to "flash" the official IP address. Thus, there is nothing directly wrong with the TOR network, it is a very convenient and good tool to protect a person's privacy and circumvent Internet censorship.

Nevertheless, it is now also a breeding ground for pedophiles, cybercriminals, and pavers, who are only a few clicks from the general Internet, and the essence of this problem in relation to our country is not the availability of TOR, but our law enforcement. The characteristics of this network is about the entire prostitution of agencies.

Governments of various countries are trying to deal with intensive internet. In 2006, Germany's intelligence agencies seized six computers running tor nodes on the grounds that they were used to illegally use child pornography.

In 2007, German police arrested Alexander Janssen in Dusseldorf, who organized a Tor server on his computer, through which an unknown person sent an incorrect message about the attack. Despite the fact that Mr. Janssen was soon released, he decided not to continue using his computer as a torr exit point.

On September 25, 2009, the Great Firewall blacklist contained 80% of the IP addresses of tow public servers.

Unfortunately, I did not find the facts of the fight against TOR of domestic law enforcement agencies. Maybe they do it anonymously.

Why am I telling all this? The next time you see a message saying that you have stopped another torrent tracker or a pirate, do not rush to be autocratic. Recently, the image of Internet pirates is very ideal. And the problem is very deep. This is why it is necessary to attract more attention and fight them. Meanwhile, the issue will not have widespread reverberations in society - pedophiles and cybercriminals will continue to be fearless in order to continue their dirty business.

This text was created for informational purposes only, does not call for action and does not include links to any site. Furthermore, we recall that the production, sale and transfer of narcotics and psychotropic substances is a criminal offense according to Art. 228-231 Criminal Code.


The Internet we use every day is called "Surface Network" ("Surface Web" in English). To access it, special tools are not required - a working connection is sufficient. All pages of the "surface" Internet are easy to search using any search engine, and users' actions and data about them on the Internet are available to Internet providers. Accordingly, they can be tracked by law enforcement agencies according to the court's decision.

In addition to the surface network, there is also an intensive Internet (English "Deep Web"). You cannot find pages from the deep web through a regular search engine - they are not indexed by search engines. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately assess the size of this segment of the Internet.

Links to pages on the Internet in a particular format are in a special format, so you cannot open them with a normal browser. To access a deep network, special programs are needed that preserve the anonymity of users and encrypt the traffic.

Darknet is still a closed network inside the deep Internet. The concepts of "deep web" and "darknet" are often confused, but there is a fundamental difference from the normal network of darknet.

Deep Internet is a single network that is hidden from search engines, and can have multiple darksets, and each of them requires special access. So, to get into each of the popular darkets - Freon, Retrozer or I2P - you need to install separate software.